Sunday, July 20, 2008

Women's Safety Tips - 3 Common Mistakes Women Make About Personal Safety

Women's Safety Tips - 3 Common Mistakes Women Make About Personal Safety;

Women are often targeted by attackers because we make a few common mistakes about personal safety that present us as easy crime victim prospects.

  1. We tend to be accommodating, to a fault
  2. We ignore our gut feelings
  3. Automatic trust is common with women

A few things to remember as we get into more detail about the common mistakes we make that put us in danger.

  1. Attackers are insecure, have low self-esteem, feel out of control of their own lives and choose to control someone or something else in order to feel powerful again.
  2. Attackers look for those who appear weaker than they are (mentally, physically) to attack.
  3. Attacks may be verbal, mental, emotional or physical.

Too Accommodating

Women tend to be accommodating because we want people to like us and we enjoy being helpful. Although these traits are not bad they may allow us to be taken advantage of and pushed too far. This is where an attacker, known or unknown to you sees weakness and opportunity.

Solution: Establish and enforce personal boundaries. Know what distance you are willing to go and go no further. This will keep you from giving your power away to someone else.

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