Sunday, July 20, 2008

Breast Implants Balance Breast Asymmetry

Breast Implants Balance Breast Asymmetry:

women are born with perfectly symmetrical breasts, but in some cases an imbalance can be noticeable, causing emotional distress. Breast augmentation can often correct symmetry during breast tissue expansion can cause more severe problems such as protrusion of the areola, causing what is known as tuberous breast deformity. Tuberous breasts occur in varying degrees. Mild cases are not uncommon and are not necessarily aesthetically displeasing. In rare extreme cases, the breasts resemble tube-like shapes with large areolas and often nipples that sag towards the bottom.

In simple cases, such as a mild imbalance in size or shape, different sized implants can easily correct the problem. The size of the implants will be adjusted in order to create symmetry. Breasts reductions can also help achieve the same results for those wishing to have a smaller and even bust. Sometimes a lift may be necessary for optimal results. For mild nipple asymmetry, the areola or nipple can be reduced in size or relocated. Depending on the individual case, this could involve noticeable scarring.

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