Sunday, July 20, 2008

Plastic Surgery Safety in the World

Plastic Surgery Safety in the World

Having a cosmetic surgery performed can be exciting as you look forward to the results, but as with any surgery, it can also be a little bit scary. There are some risks involved. As you prepare for your plastic surgery, you can do your part to minimize those risks and ensure the safety of your procedure.

Choose a Qualified Plastic Surgeon
Be sure to conduct a thorough search of cosmetic surgeons in your area. Look for those that are board certified. This means that they have passed certain tests of knowledge and skill. You should also seek out professionals that specialize in the procedure you want. The more experience they have at one thing, the better they will be at it and the more comfortable you can feel under their care. The same principle applies in general to the length of time a plastic surgeon has been practicing. At the very least, those who have been working at their trade have had more time to sharpen and improve their skills.

Give a Full Account of Your Medical History
In order to best serve you, your cosmetic surgeon needs to know all relevant information about your medical past. This would include any blood or clotting disorders you have, as well as any problems with high blood pressure. You should also inform him or her about any heart defects or issues you have had with your lungs. Doctors will also ask you if you have or have had cancer before. They also need to know about any recent traumatic accidents or injuries. Women should also tell their doctors about their use or non-use of birth control or hormone-replacement therapy. Once your plastic surgeon has all your information then, he or she can decide whether or not you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery, and how to safely proceed if you are one.

Understand the Effects of Anesthesia
Most plastic surgery requires the use of anesthesia. For more involved procedures, patients are given a sedative and put under general anesthesia. More minor surgeries can sometimes be performed with the use of a local anesthetic. You should find out what your doctor is planning to use and be aware about the possibilities of side effects. A discussion of the benefits and potential risks of each type will help you decide on the safest choice.

Follow the Doctor's Orders
After your procedure, it is imperative that you follow your doctor's instructions to the tee. This may involve the use of bandages, body braces, special headbands, and compression garments. You may also be asked to stay home from work for a certain period and refrain from exercise or heavy labor for several weeks. Disregarding these instructions could cause your stitches or wound site to rupture, causing you unnecessary pain and prolonging the healing process. You may also prevent yourself from getting the best results of your cosmetic surgery, requiring future repair surgeries. Play it safe by being an obedient patient.

You can increase the chances of a safe surgery by learning all you can about the procedure, making wise choices, and sticking to your recovery plan.

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