Sunday, July 20, 2008

Women's Safety Tips - Repel Or Attract Attackers, the Choice is Yours

Women's Safety Tips - Repel Or Attract Attackers, the Choice is Yours:

Confident men, colleagues and friends are attracted to women with confidence and attackers are repelled by them. Confidence, hmmm, seems simple enough but is it? Self-image is what we think of ourselves. Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves and self-confidence is how we act.

Can confidence be faked? Temporarily yes, but if it comes across as arrogance, it can attract attackers rather than repel them.

I address confident body language in my article, "Women's Personal Safety Secret #2," which is important in repelling attackers. Below is another way you can become more confident, attracting the right people - repelling the wrong ones.

"What Would You Do?" Can Repel Attackers and May Save Your Life!

We hear about crime and often do nothing to prevent it from happening to us. A good habit to get into is thinking about what you would do if the same situation occurred in your life. Although a bit scary, thinking it through has several benefits.

  1. You've acknowledged your vulnerability therefore, you don't look oblivious like most people do (attackers love oblivious people)
  2. You have a plan of action which gives you confidence (attackers are repelled by confident people because they themselves are weak).
  3. You are more aware of your surroundings and therefore may avoid situations of vulnerability (attackers hate aware people).
  4. When you have thought things through, you walk more confidently and body language is the most common way attackers select victims.
So there you go. Just by simply thinking through a situation with you at the center, you benefit by being safer immediately attracting people who are confident themselves and repelling weak ones who will drag you down and or victimize you. Just being dragged down is a form of attack because it weakens you mentally and emotionally, which in turn, weakens you physically.

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