Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shedding Your Man Boobs For Those Who Can't Attract Women

I'm going to explain how shedding your man boobs will help you attract women. Man boobs are an embarrassing subject, I know. You probably avoid bringing it up to your friends and family. The only time you hear about it is if people are poking fun at you, which you usually laugh off, but inside it gets at you. Its been the cause of your lack of success with women. You feel shy and don't show the confidence that you know your capable of having. You don't feel attractive and are self conscious if your boobs are noticeable with the shirt your wearing. All of this has been in some way caused by your man breasts. They've had a part in the dates you should have went on, relationships you could have been in, and fun you should be having.

One of the biggest things you have to understand is that you're not alone. There are millions just like you. Around 7% of the male population deals with this problem as well. They know how it feels and are experiencing frustration in the women department just like you. Its okay to feel the way your feeling, its only human. You can do something about it though, you just have to get off your butt and take the necessary steps to get rid of them. Listed below are some tips that you can use to help shed your man boobs to start feeling more confident with women.

How To Shed The Moobs

Three things that you're going to have to start implementing in your lifestyle are a better diet, cardio, and strength training. I'm going to go into detail on the latter two.

Your pectoral muscles are covered with fatty tissues. The only way to show your pecs muscles are to get rid of the fat that is on top of them. Cardio is going to be paramount in your training because it burns off that fat. You're going to have to work your butt off - seriously. I know a lot of people that hit the treadmill and set it at a lower intensity level and wonder why they don't see results. If you are serious about this, find what your target heart rate is for fat loss which depends on your age, height and weight. There are plenty of resources on the internet for you to find this out. Hit the treadmill, elliptical, or rowing machine and focus on reaching and maintaining your individual fat loss heart rate.

Strength training is also important in your lifestyle. This is because it will tone up your pecs muscles so they look shapely when you do loss the fat. Another important yet overlooked fact is that strength training will also tone up other upper body muscles which will help stretch and tighten the skin around your boobs. I suggest doing the bench press. Its the daddy of chest exercises. Be sure to get someone to spot you because it can get dangerous. Aim at 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps.

Important Points To Note:

Although cardio and strength training are going to be vital in shedding your man boobs, they can only do so much. For those dealing with gynecomastia, their hormonal imbalance is the underlying issue that must be addressed. They are producing too much estrogen and not enough testosterone which results in the fatty tissue over their pecs. The physical training will reach a limit without treating this issue. There are programs designed to naturally balance out your hormones so you can fully burn the fat off your chest. They'll help you to lose your moobs and gain self confidence to look and feel attractive towards women

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