Saturday, September 13, 2008

Unorthodox Natural Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatments - Stop the Discomfort in 12 Hours

Unorthodox Natural Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatments - Stop the Discomfort in 12 Hours:

                            If you ever had a yeast infection you know how uncomfortable they can be. Many over the counter drugs only provide short term relief without actually correcting the root cause not to mention the side effects associated with many over the counter drugs. An alternative is using natural vaginal yeast infection treatments.

Health studies show that many natural yeast infection treatments actually are more effective then over the counter drugs due to they tackle the root cause of why the infection started.

Yeast infections occur with your body has an unbalance in the good bacteria that resides in your body. Everyone has what is called good bacteria in their body to fight off infections. However, when bad bacteria enters into your body it creates an unbalance resulting in an infection.

So what natural vaginal yeast infection treatments work?

One of the most popular and effective is Yogurt from your local grocery store. It has been proven over and over again to be one of the best all natural vaginal yeast infection treatments. You see yogurt is loaded with the good bacteria your body needs to fight off infections and be healthy. No wonder yogurt is so healthy...

By applying yogurt to the infected area you get an bump in good bacteria restoring balance in your body to combat the infection. Now don't go and pour yogurt all over yourself. A popular method and a little unorthodox is to dip a tampon into the yogurt and insert into the vaginal area for several minutes.

I know...I know but it really does work.

This allows the good bacteria to coat the infected area and begin the process to restore balance. It may sound a little unorthodox at first but it actually is a natural and effective way to get rid of your yeast infection quickly

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