Saturday, September 13, 2008

Self Defense Products on College Campuses

Self Defense Products on College Campuses:

                    With the summer season coming to a close, the time to think about the approaching school year is now. For some, it may mean that boxes will be packed up and moved in to a college dorm room. This may be an exciting and frightening thought for parents and students alike. But even more concerning for parents is the safety of the college campus that their daughter will now call home.

While students are interested in the academic achievements of the college, the extra curricular activities offered and the nightlife in the surrounding area, campus safety is one of the top concerns of parents when their children are ready to enter the next chapter of their education.

As unfortunate as it is, the night life on college campuses is often one the main reasons students (especially the female students) feel the need to carry some type of self defense product with them. The good news is that many of these safety items are inexpensive and are easy to obtain (check local & state laws on legality).

There are a large variety of self defense products that are small enough to carry comfortably without interfering with day to day activities. One of the most popular of these personal protection items is mace or pepper spray. These can be easily added to a key chain or carried in a pocket or purse. With no training needed, and the effect of the spray being instantaneous and disabling these easy to use products give you the chance to get to safety.

Another simple option are stun guns. Easy to use, battery operated and with sizes varying (some can fit in the palm of your hand) these inexpensive devices are growing in popularity. The main idea of this type of electrical device is to momentarily immobilize the attacker without causing any long term damage.

Tasers are becoming another extremely popular self defense product. The Taser actually shoots electrodes at an attacker from a distance. The advantage of this is that the attacker does not have to be very close for the device to become effective, however, it can be used up close also much like a stun gun.

Self defense videos and classes are also an excellent way to effectively protect yourself. Friends may choose to take the class as a group to help relieve some of the anxiety. Some colleges and community centers may offer classes at little or no charge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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