Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Whys Behind Painful Sex for Women That May Prevent Orgasms

The Whys Behind Painful Sex for Women That May Prevent Orgasms

The act of sex is practiced among many types of people. The act of love making is a strong bond between two people expressing their feelings physically in an attempt to gain closeness. Love making is love pleasure and expression through sexual satisfaction but all too often love making is halted by pain during intercourse also referred to in the medical world as, Dyspareunia. Pain during intercourse has become a wide spread issue among woman in all parts of the world. Diagnosed and promptly adjusted sexual activity will offer relief. Pain during intercourse may lead to one distancing themselves from the thought of intercourse all together in fear of pain or letting their partner down. Pain during intercourse has been experienced by many. Here are some of the common types of discomfort and causes.

Infection: There are many types of infection and in most cases infections may cause swelling, redness, and tenderness. These issues combined with the friction of love making can become quite painful. In the event an infection is suspected or any pain during intercourse is experienced, seek medical attention. Infections can range from Bacterial Vaginosis, Urinary Tract Infection, Yeast Infection or even a Sexually transmitted Disease (STD) like clymidia. Besides having Pain during Intercourse these infections can sometimes cause Infertility in woman. It is always best to contact a medical professional if your partner is experiencing any type of pain during intercourse.

Endometriosis: This vaginal disorder is more common than originally suspected by the medical world. It often causes severe pain and discomfort not only during intercourse but throughout the day to day activities. This disorder is caused by scar tissue and often times it is misdiagnosed. Love making for an individual with Endometriosis can be quite difficult as pain is most always present and can be debilitating. Seek medical attention if you have any pain during intercourse.

Hormonal changes: Something as simple as hormones changing can cause dryness to occur which can become very painful when added with the friction of intercourse. There are remedies for such a condition. Relatively inexpensive and easy to find on any department store shelf is vaginal moisten drops and wipes. Do not continue sexual intercourse with your partner if they are experiencing vaginal dryness as this may result in inflammation and severe pain to include vaginal tearing and scarring. You do not have to wait for your partner to tell you this is happening as you should be able to feel this on your own.

Support: There are many things you can do to support your partner if they are experiencing vaginal discomfort. Never speak negative of their condition as it is not their fault. Do not get frustrated if your partner can not handle long drawn out episodes of sexual intercourse. Let them know you understand their condition and will do whatever it takes so that both of you are still being pleasured. Last but certainly not least If you do suspect your partner is experiencing vaginal discomfort you should suggest they seek medical attention so as to prevent any further issues.

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