Saturday, January 8, 2011

Online Dating Leads to Sex on First Dates

Online Dating Leads to Sex on First Dates

An Australian online dating service reported that one third of women who meet men through online dating sites are having sex on the first date. 70% of these do not use condoms, a new survey has found.

This survey, published in a US journal, is an alarming trend for the safe sex activists. Chlamydia and HIV infections here in Australia are now at there highest level in ten years.

The American study, which surveyed approximately 600 women, also discovered 29% of those surveyed performed oral sex on the first date.

A leading womens magazine in the US, said the results were alarming but not surprising.

Singles do feel more at ease when meeting in person having had lots of conversations online, regardless of which online dating or social networking site they met through.

If a person thinks, "I know this person, surely Im safe", they are unlikely to use a condom.

A spokeswomen from the womens American magazine said that generally, women were "holding out more" and the "12 date rule" is becoming more popular, but when talking to someone you have just met online, it was easy to fall into a false sense of security.

"Talking to singles or married people through online dating does not mean you necessarily know what they are like, and doesn't mean they are disease free," she said.

"You need to address these issues with a potential sex partner before sex, not after. Sex should be kept sacred, at least until you know them well enough"

"Its so important to get the safe sex message out to singles who use online dating, and the public in general whether you meet in a bar or through online dating".

In contrast to meeting singles through online dating, according to nearly 600 women surveyed 10 % of these singles had sex on a first date when they met through conventional methods such as at a bar or through friends.

There are no figures available, or any accurate source, as to the ratio of sexually transmitted diseases caught resulting from online dating encounters or conventional dating. Online dating for singles is an easy, fast and discreet method for hook ups, so it is little wonder those inclined opt in for such website services.

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