Friday, August 8, 2008

Smart Women Can Be Action Figures Too!

Smart Women Can Be Action Figures Too!

In my Success Circles, women create vision boards which represent their big ideas, dreams and plans for living a life filled with energy, passion and purpose. I invite them to bring in favorite photos or magazines they enjoy reading, as possibilities for their board. This week, Dawn, a Circle member (and smart woman) brought in "The Big Book of Action Stickers." It was a big colorful book filled with stickers for just about everything you can imagine from animals to people. As I flipped through the pages, it got me thinking about how simple it is to become who you want to be in the world.
Have you ever watched a child take an action sticker and place it somewhere on their body? They instantly become their version of who that sticker represents to them. When my daughter puts on a "Batman" sticker, you better believe that she is Batman. Same thing with Spider-Man (for those of you who know Jenna---she is not going to put on a Cinderella sticker!) Children have this incredible imagination that they can become anything they choose. My son Jack, will tell you with great confidence that he is going to be both a professional baseball and basketball player. You may be reading this and thinking, "Oh well, children have such a big imagination." Yes, they certainly do.
How about you? Do you have a big imagination? Is there something that you would like to create in your life but you just can't seem to get your arms around it? Do you need an Action Sticker with your Action Figure on it to create that excitement within you to do something bold and daring? Are you living your life each day authentically? Becoming who you really want to be in this life---accomplishing any sort of goal really is just a decision. It's developing the mindset to make it happen. When I was a little girl, I remember going on big adventures all over the world. I imagined that I was leading a group of people to these beautiful places where they would make new discoveries. (By the way, I was living in Charleston, West Virginia and riding a Schwinn Purple Fair Lady with a silver metallic banana seat, sporting a white wicker basket!). In my work with women, I support them in their journey to their next big idea, dreams and goals. I'm there to assist them with their new discoveries about their own lives.
It's actually pretty easy to live your life filled with energy, passion and purpose. If you think you can, you will. If you think you can't, you won't. Again, it's about a mindset. It's essential to live your life according to your plan, making room for the people who matter most to you along the way. I invite you to start looking through your own "Big Book of Action Stickers." Find the Action Figure that's right for you. Place it right over your heart, where you can feel it with every breath you take. Who knows? It just might stick...

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